Have you watched the movie Ratatouille with your FSL or FI class? It is a great way to introduce the cultural component for the new French curriculum in Ontario. I have created Ratatouille : As-tu déjà? for you to introduce the vocabulary in the movie before watching it.You could print out one copy of it and show it up on the board and
answer the questions as a whole class. This will help to preview the
vocabulary in the film. You could also print a copy for everyone in the
class and have them discuss their responses in partners or small groups. There is also a Ratatouille Graphic Organizer for getting to know the main characters. I think you will be able to fully engage intermediate and senior level students with these Ratatouille questions and ideas for assignments. I also have a Ratatouille Paris themed colouring sheet to go with it if you are working with a younger crowd. Ratatouille is such a fun movie to watch with your French class! Enjoy!